Pre-Purchase Inspections
If you’re in the market for a new home, you’re likely talking with bankers, contractors, realtors and many others hoping to find the home of your dreams. The entire home buying process can be extremely stressful and you want to make sure you’re purchasing a home that will be a good investment for years to come. One way to spot common red flags with a home purchase is to have a pre-purchase inspection done prior to closing. At Inspect It First of Andover, we work with homeowners and realtors all across Minnesota who are looking for an impartial opinion as to the condition of a home. Take some of the guesswork out of buying a new home with pre-purchase inspections from Inspect It First of Andover.
What is a Pre-Purchase Inspection?
A pre-purchase inspection is simply an inspection that typically takes place prior to a buyer closing on a new home. Many times this inspection will take place after an offer is made on a home during what is often referred to as a due diligence period. During a due diligence period, the buyer is able to back out of the transaction due to a variety of issues, including those that may arise during the course of a pre-purchase inspection.
Advantages of Pre-Purchase Inspections
There are a number of key reasons why a buyer may want to purchase a pre-purchase inspection, a few of which include:
- Improve Negotiations – If you have a pre-listing inspection completed and it shows major issues, you’ll likely have more ammunition when it comes to negotiating with a buyer about the final purchase price of your new home.
- Spot Major Problems – Home maintenance can be extremely expensive, especially if you’re referring to large expenses such as a new roof, HVAC system or foundation issues. A home inspection can spot many of these issues so you can decide whether you want to continue with the purchase as agreed or if you want to back out or change your offer based on the findings in the inspection report.
- Gain Confidence – Buying a home is likely one of the largest investments you’ll ever make. Because of this you want to be extremely confident in your decision. A detailed home inspection report can help you to ensure the property you’re buying is a good investment for you and your family.
Radon Level Testing
As part of our pre-purchase inspection, we offer radon level testing as an optional add on. We encourage all of our clients to purchase this add on because of the major danger of radon gas. Radon is thought to be the second largest cause of lung cancer and some experts attribute 20,000 lung cancer deaths each year to radon. This is why we think it’s so important for all homeowners to have their homes checked for radon. When you’re buying a home and having it inspected, adding radon level testing is extremely affordable, especially if you think about the significant health benefits that can be gained if it’s found and remediated before you move in! Minnesota Department of Health officials estimate that 2 out of 5 homes in the state have high levels of radon, so be sure to have your home tested to rule out any long term health problems associated with this harmful gas.
Schedule Your Pre-Purchase Inspection Today!
If you’re interested in learning more about pre-purchase inspections from Inspect It First of Andover, don’t hesitate to reach out to our team today by phone at (612) 554-0805. We’ll be more than happy to talk with you in depth regarding the value of a pre-purchase inspection.
Serving Homes & Businesses Within A 60 Mile Radius Of Andover, MN
Accreditation, Certification & Licensing

Certified Radon Measurement
License #RMEA-00052
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